The Parenting Brief

Well Child Visits

Episode Notes

Doctor’s appointments aren’t just for sick children. So think again before putting off your kiddo’s routine well child visit! 

Pediatrician Dr. Jason Vargas joins host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez to share what doctors look for during these yearly exams (beyond just height and weight), why they’re important for catching health concerns early, and the questions parents should ask during these appointments. 


Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez is the Program Director for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program at the Arizona Department of Health Services. She is married, has two young children, and loves reading (anything except parenting books!) and watching movies and TV.  She loves to spend time with her kids (when they aren’t driving her crazy) and celebrating all of their little, and big, accomplishments. Jessica has been in the field of family and child development for over 20 years, working towards normalizing the hard work of parenting and making it easier to ask the hard questions.


Checkup Checklists

Guest: Jason Vargas, MD

Strong Families AZ

Host: Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez